Thursday, November 24, 2005


Well I am sitting in Chattanooga, TN after finishing Thanksgiving dinner with my family...we have not yet killed each other but there are a couple days left to go. What I really need right now is a big tall really stiff drink! Just in case people are checking my blog over the Thanksgiving weekend and have missed the is offically over for Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson! Here is a bit of the press release...
"After three years of marriage, and careful thought and consideration, we have decided to part ways," the statement says. "This is the mutual decision of two people with an enormous amount of respect and admiration for each other. We hope that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."

Rumor has it, it took forever for them to annonuce the breakup because Joe Simpson was so peeved about the People cover that said "Split" that he wanted to wait a little while longer to make them look stupid!
Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving try not to eat too many leftovers and beware of the crazy people at the walmart after christmas sales!!!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Another half-nekkid man

I never turndown an excuse to post a picture of a half nekkid man..even if it is Jack Osbourne....thanks to for the picture. Jack looks really good!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My new quest

Lately George Clooney has been in the news talking about wanting to find a wife and settle down. Anyone who knows me knows that I have been (unsuccessfully) looking for a husband. George and I are perfect for each other! Now I need to find a way to tell him. What better way to do that than get him on my show for an interview. But it is not like you can just call up George's people and say "hey I need an interview." You have to figure out who George's people are in the first place! What I really need is someone who knows someone who knows someone who might know George. It is only the end of day 1 so I remain hopeful! But rather than leave work and surf the internet to see if I could find clues, I took a nap. It was a really nice nap, and you know that sleeping makes you skinny...actually I think that the study said sleeping 8 hours a night makes it less likely that you are obese but who's counting...I need all the help I can get! I am going to keep track of my journey here on my blog. If you happen to know someone who knows someone who might know George please let me know. I am going to bed now...hey, George is going to want a skinny wife!


I know that pretty much every woman on the planet has the hots for Jake Gyllenhaal so I thought I would do everyone a HUGE (pun intended) favor!!! Now there is no reason to actually sit through Jarhead.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Nick Carter Engaged?!?!?

Another one bites the dust! Nick Carter is engaged to Bai Ling she stared in "The King and I" and a spread in Playboy. Nick sure seems to like the classy women (remember Paris Hilton)!! Don't get me wrong he has 2 of the 3 important "S's" he is sexy and he sings. I just don't know about how stablility...financially stable-most likely but anyone remember those horrible bruises that Paris showed up with? It may not have been him, he and Paris both deny it however Nick's little brother Aaron claims it was Nick.
If you are watching the VH-1 show "But can they sing?" you know Bai Ling. If you missed it here is the video (the answer to VH-1 question is NO!)
I hope to look as good as she does at 35!!!


Thursday, November 03, 2005

K-Fed's music

There was a news story about a week ago about K-Fed bringing his new music home for Britney Spears to hear and she just laughed! Turns out his new song has been leaked and it is just aweful! Poor K-fed first he gets his credit cards turned off then the whole world knows he can't sing!

Here is the link to his "masterpiece"

Lyrics to K-fed's work
I should be saying keep my damn name outcha mouth but y'all people keep increasing my change amount, So, go ahead and say whatcha wanna, I'm gonna sell about 2 mil, fool, then I'm a-gonna
I know you wish you was in my position, cuz I keep getting into situations that you wish you was in, cousin
I'm not your brother, not your uncle, I'm 'Daddy', dude, Steppin' in this game and y'all ain't got a clue
My prediction is that y'all gonna hate on the style we create, straight 2008
But I know that you really can't wait, cuz people are always askin' me 'when's the release date?'
Well maybe baby you can wait and see, until then, all these Pavarotti's followin' me, Gettin' anxious, go take a peek, I'm starring in your magazine now, every day of the week, Back then, they called me K-Fed, but you can call me 'Daddy' instead

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

poor brit!

Poor Brit is stuck at home with Sean Preston while K-Fed is out partying like a rockstar with her money. She ended up flying home to Louisianna to be with her Mom (she looks great).

Britney ended up cancelling K-Feds Credit card while she was gone. Here are the pics of him getting declined at both the ATM and Blockbuster.

Now feel free to leave the nasty comments that everyone insists on leaving whenever I say anything about Brit!!
