Wednesday, December 28, 2005

All I want for Christmas is....
Ricky Martin!!!

I realize the request is a little I will settle for standing next to me when the clock strikes midnight on new years eve........DAYUM he is sexy!!!!!! I am posting from my hometown of Orlando, FL where I am hanging out with my family for a couple weeks but I found these and just had to share!!!

Too bad someone may have already claimed him......see what you think?

Girls....lets hope for our sake they are friends!

Have a very happy new years.....I know I will be dreaming of Ricky when the clock strikes midnight.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

You have got to be *^&($&@ kidding!!

So we all know that Britney sent K-feds car back to the dealership in the midst of their recent fight. The rumor was that she FINALLY got mad and had it towed because she realized that he was a moron! Well, K-trash got it back and now it is customized!!!! The only way that you will believe it is to see the pictures!!!

Nope, you are not seeing things his brakes do say Federline!!! You couldn't make this crap up!