When I set-up this blog I set it up to report on celebrity gossip and easily post celebrity pictures. Before the blog I found lots of pictures but was unable to share them with you because the web addresses were just way too long to give out on the air. I simply stated my opinion about Britney Spears baby...I realize that was not the most "PC" thing to say...but then again this is my blog and I am entitled to my opinion. I knew that some would disagree, I turned on comments so people could do that. What I was not prepared for was the personal attacks! Here are just a few.
Suchinrox@xanga.com said...
Charlette u r just jealous of Kevin and Brittney because u couldnt make a cuter baby
Jami said...
I think you're the Pot calling the Kettle BLACK. The baby is cute, but you on the other hand are not a beauty queen. I'd hate to see your offspring. And please feel free to say what you want on the air, I can take your critisism.
Anonymous said...
You have a tendency to say some really hateful things at times as your opinion. If you dont mean people to take your opinions personally, then don't take it personally when someone else gives their opinion.
Wow...I guess, I didn't think that people would care whether or not I thought Brit's kid was cute. And I did not realize people's pent up hate towards me. I am sorry if I upset you but come on there is no reason to call me ugly or tell me you think I will have ugly kids someday!