Have you noticed a trend?
Anytime that I actaully post it is about either Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson! So here are the pics of Britneys new baby, she looks great but....is it terrible to say that the kid is kinda ugly?!?!? I am so going to hell for that.

The baby is NOT ugly!!!!! i just ended the trend....
i agree with the anonymous before me as well that baby is not ugly! All babies don't exactly come out STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS WITH HEAD FULL OF HAIR AND BEAUTIFUL SMILE...that baby is very cute!
The baby isn't ugly at all.That is how all babies look when it is that young.
The baby is cute. Like I said at 8:11 AM that is how I looked when I was a baby , that is how you looked when you were a baby, That is how we all looked when we were a baby.
Why do you think it's ugly??????
To me it is cut!!!
Hey I have heard that those pictures of the Brit and family are stolen and I heard that if they are shown then she (BRIT) is going to sue.... I think it is all bull but you never know...
Sorry Char, I have to agree with the others, Brit's baby is a cutie!!
Love ya!
Melissa K.
I'm falling behind the rest of them on here. Her baby is so cute.
I am not a Britney fan so when I heard Charlotte say her baby was ugly, I was a little tickled. however, after checking them out myself, I disagree. i think he's pretty cute! And I am NOT one to say that. I would never tell someone their baby was cute if I didn't think it was. I might say, "Oh what a cute outfit!" but I would never lie to them.
Yup, you're going to hell! :) just kidding! i think he's cute, aren't you just trembling at the thought of getting sued...hehe.
I was so thinking that their baby would be ugly, because lets face it, his other offspring are really ugly. They got lucky with little Mr. Sean Preston, he is sooo adorable!
Hey don't say another word about the subject because everybody thinks your WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to the anonymous poster above...
You are telling me not to say another thing about the subject just because a few people disagree?!?!? Last I checked THIS IS MY BLOG (and I can delete your completely stupid commments)! I can say what ever I want no matter how many people think that I am wrong!!! I still think that the kid is funny looking!
I think you're the Pot calling the Kettle BLACK. The baby is cute, but you on the other hand are not a beauty queen. I'd hate to see your offspring. And please feel free to say what you want on the air, I can take your critisism.
You have a tendency to say some really hateful things at times as your opinion. If you dont mean people to take your opinions personally, then don't take it personally when someone else gives their opinion.
To each his own, we all have our own opinion. personally I can not get a good enough look at the picture to see if he is cute or not. No, not all babies are cute. And this is coming from a soon to be new mom. (God I hope mine is cute.) Just because Brittney is(was) attractive and has money does not mean that she has to have goregous children. Just pray she has the knowledge to raise the child. Lord knows Kevin will not help her.
I know that you are getting alot of hate mail on the brit issue. But if you think about it every time there is something about britney you constantly have some negative to say about her. For instance when she had her baby she delivered him threw c-section, and you said that she would of course do it the wimp way or something to the extent of her not being able to have it naturally, did you ever think that may be there were complications or some other factor that is not evident to the public???? Having you stomach cut open so you can have a healthy child does not seem like the way to wimp out.
Theres always a saying when people constantly talk trash about some one it is merely because they are jealous...
are you jealous charlotte?
no need to show hate. she's just voicing her opinion. if you don't like it, there's a little red X at the top right corner of your screen... yeah, the baby is pretty ugly. maybe it'll get better as it gets older though. my sister's baby was horribly ugly when she was born, and now she's the most beautiful child i've ever seen. people comment on how pretty she is all the time. my niece grew out of the "hairy squished monkey" stage, hopefully their baby will too.
Of course I am a little jelous...I have always dreamed of hooking up with an unemployed, smelly, poorly dressed, corn row wearing, untalented back-up dancer. There is a pair of overalls and a straw hat with my name all over it. So yeah now that I think about it I don't balme Brit for wanting that kid out as soon as possible so it can get to therapy. I am a little jelous!
Thanks for listening!
When did this get so nasty and why do people feel the need to attack me? I have tried to take the high road. I never claimed to sing or dance (honestly I can't do either) so no I will never be Britney. Really I just want to be a radio DJ that brings you the latest in celebrity gossip and sometimes makes you smile.
Don't worry, all the Grown-ups still like you!
Ignore these ignorant little kids who have nothing else to do EXCEPT defend Britney.Oh my God!! And the ones who still remember what you said about her a month ago!That is really sad!All the Brit wannabees, need to grow up! I think your hilarious!
Keep doin' what your doin!
Bye the way, Thanks for the pic of Jake.
Don't worry, all the Grown-ups still like you!
Ignore these ignorant little kids who have nothing else to do EXCEPT defend Britney.Oh my God!! And the ones who still remember what you said about her a month ago!That is really sad!All the Brit wannabees, need to grow up! I think your hilarious!
Keep doin' what your doin!
Bye the way, Thanks for the pic of Jake.
Don't worry, all the Grown-ups still like you!
Ignore these ignorant little kids who have nothing else to do EXCEPT defend Britney.Oh my God!! And the ones who still remember what you said about her a month ago!That is really sad!All the Brit wannabees, need to grow up! I think your hilarious!
Keep doin' what your doin!
Bye the way, Thanks for the pic of Jake.
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