Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Preggo? AGAIN!?!?
Now, I hate to talk about another woman in a swimsuit, we all know that bathing suit wearing is a painful experience, but I think that is a baby bump. US weekly is reporting that Brit is 4 months pregnant and certainly not excited about the prospect of another baby Federline. US weekly says Brit cried her eyes out when the doctor told her. She is due in October. This rumor has been around for months, but people stopped talking about it because of Britney's drinking. Hopefully she will keep this one from rolling off beds and falling out of high chairs after all of poor little Sean Preston's trips to the ER.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
"Soccer mom doing Jazzercise"
Remember back before K-Fed when Britney could sing, dance and write songs?!?!? Ok...sorry! She could dance right? This is new video of Britney doing an interpretive dance to her new song called "To My Sister." This was leaked by someone who is obviously not her friend.....the whole thing is terribly embarrassing! One person said she looks like a "Soccer mom doing Jazzercise."
Thursday, April 06, 2006
There are a lot of people saying they don't think that Katie is really pregnant..this is just for the publicity and to prove that Tom is capable of impregnating a woman. I am not sure that I believe the conspiracy theories however her bump does look downright strange. Maybe it is just the proportions that look weird, she has a small frame and that is a big bump.

Monday, April 03, 2006
Eventually Lindsey is going to get smart and start wearing more clothes and fire her stylist who keeps dressing her like a moron. It is starting to feel like the emperors new clothes!!!! "Here Lindsey wear this..who cares if you show a little skin....No, definitely don't wear underwear it is much sexier!" Nothing says Kids Choice Awards on Nick like giving your audience a full moon!!!!